Simon Skjernaa Erfurth
Table of Contents
I am a PhD fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) and Digital Democracy Center (DDC) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). I am part of the Trust and News Authenticity group, and our goal is to provide a novel approach to combating misinformation. The title of my project is Strengthening Authenticity and Mitigating Misinformation – Slightly Homomorphic Digital Signatures and Privacy Preserving Folding Schemes. My excellent supervisors are Joan Boyar, Kim Skak Larsen, Ruben Niederhagen, and Claes de Vreese.
The Axiom of Choice is obviously true, the well-ordering principle obviously false, and who can tell about Zorn's lemma?
— Jerry Bona
2. Publications
- PhD Thesis: Strengthening Authenticity and Mitigating Misinformation - Slightly Homomorphic Digital Signatures and Privacy Preserving Folding Schemes (To be defended 17/02 2025.)
Version 1.0 of my thesis can be found here. - Image Authenticity in the Age of AI: Digital Signatures as a Defense Against Visual Disinformation
Johanna Eggers, Simon Erfurth, Marília Gehrke
Submitted for review. - Folding Schemes with Privacy Preserving Selective Verification
Joan Boyar and Simon Erfurth, 2024.
IACR Communications in Cryptology, Volume 1, Issue 4.
ePrint, doi, slides. - Digital Signatures for Authenticating Compressed JPEG Images
Simon Erfurth
The 1st ACM Workshop on Security-Centric Strategies for Combating Information Disorder (SCID). In conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS 2024.
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore.
ePrint, doi, slides. - Quotable Signatures for Authenticating Shared Quotes
Joan Boyar, Simon Erfurth, Kim S. Larsen, Ruben Niederhagen
Latincrypt 2023.
The University of the Armed Forces ESPE, Ecuador.
arXiv, conference proceedings, slides. - Adding Quotable Signatures to the Transparency Repertoire in Data Journalism
Marília Gehrke and Simon Erfurth
Joint Computation+Journalism Symposium and European Data & Computational Journalism Conference, 2023.
ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Avalible on the conference website.
This gives me an Erdős number of \(\le 4\).
3. Education
When | What | Where |
2022–2024 | PhD. in Computer Science | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark |
2019–2021 | M.Sc. in Mathematics | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark |
2016–2019 | B.Sc. in Mathematics | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark |
2012–2015 | High School | Odense Tekniske Gymnasium |
2011–2012 | Boarding School | Korinth Efterskole Spejderskolen |
2002–2011 | Elementary School | Rasmus Rask Skolen |
3.1. Master's Thesis: Oblivious Transfer in Quantum Cryptography
Advisor: | Professor Joan Boyar, University of Southern Denmark. |
External examiner: | Professor Ivan Damgård, Aarhus University. |
Abstract: | We give a broad introduction to quantum mechanics and its implications in computer science, together with a thorough investigation of sampling games in a quantum setting. With this toolkit, we show that the BBCS92 protocol for the cryptographic primitive oblivious transfer is secure against arbitrary quantum adversaries. Finally, we show how to create bit-commitments from post-quantum one-way functions. |
Graded 12 on the Danish 7-point grading scale (Equivalent ECTS mark: A). |
The final version of my thesis can be found here.
4. Conferences, Schools, and Research Stays
- Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, February 2025.
Seminar talk "Image Authenticity: Slightly Homomorphic Digital Signatures and Privacy Preserving Folding Schemes". - NordiCrypt Fall 2024, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, November 2024.
Presented "Folding Schemes with Privacy Preserving Selective Verification". - Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference 2024, University of Southern Denmark, September 2023.
Presented updated abstract "Securing News Authenticity: A Novel Approach for Combating Misinformation in the Age of Generative AI through Digital Signatures for Images" with Johanna Eggers and Marília Gehrke. - ACM AsiaCCS 2024, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore, July 2024.
- The 1st ACM Workshop on Security-Centric Strategies for Combating Information Disorder (SCID), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore, July 2024.
In conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS 2024.
Presented peer-reviewed article "Digital Signatures for Authenticating Compressed JPEG Images". - Visiting Researcher, Institute for Information Science at Academia Sinica (中央硏究院), Taiwan, June 2024–July 2024.
- Conference on AI: Innovation, Transformation, and Deterioration, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, January 2024.
Presented abstract "Securing News Authenticity: A Novel Approach for Combating Misinformation in the Age of Generative AI through Digital Signatures for Images" with Johanna Eggers. - NordiCrypt Fall 2023, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2023.
Presented "Quotable Signatures for Authenticating Shared Quotes". - LATINCRYPT 2023, The University of the Armed Forces ESPE, Ecuador, October 2023.
Presented peer-reviewed article "Quotable Signatures for Authenticating Shared Quotes". - YRCS 2023, University of Lübeck, Germany, September 2023.
Presented "Quotable Signatures for Authenticating Shared Quotes". - CRYPTO 2023, University of California Santa Barbara, USA, August 2023.
- Joint Computation+Journalism Symposium and European Data & Computational Journalism Conference, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, June 2023.
Presented extended abstract "Adding Quotable Signatures to the Transparency Repertoire in Data Journalism" with Marília Gherke. - Visiting Researcher, Institute for Information Science at Academia Sinica (中央硏究院), Taiwan, January 2023–May 2023.
- Summer School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy, Šibenik, Croatia, June 2022.
- The 12th BIU Winter School on Cryptography, Online due to Covid, January 2022. Advances in Secure Computation.
- Digital CISPA Summer School 2021, Online due to Covid, August/September 2021. Coding Techniques & Advanced Post-Quantum Cryptography.
- The 11th BIU Winter School on Cryptography, Online due to Covid, February 2021. Cryptography in a Quantum World.
- Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2019.
This is a non-exhaustive list, excluding many single day conferences, symposiums, seminars, and workshops.
5. Awards and Funding
- Stipend for the 2022 Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy - Šibenik, Croatia
- PhD Fellowship, funded by the Digital Democracy Center and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SDU.
6. Teaching
At IMADA, I have been a TA in the following courses
When | Course | SDU course Code | Professor | ECTS |
2023 (Autumn) | Discrete Methods for Computer Science | DM549 | Kevin Schewior | 10 |
2022 (Autumn) | Discrete Methods for Computer Science | DM549 | Lene Favrholdt | 10 |
2022 (Spring) | Complexity and Computability | DM553 | Joan Boyar | 10 |
2021 (Spring) | Applications of mathematics in life sciences | BMB539 | Jonathan R. Brewer | 5 |
2020 (Autumn) | Linear Algebra | MM505 | Wojciech Szymanski | 5 |
2020 (Autumn) | Linear Algebra with Applications | DM561 | Wojciech Szymanski | 10 |
2020 (Spring) | Applications of mathematics in life sciences | BMB539 | Jonathan R. Brewer | 5 |
2019 (Autumn) | Curves and Surfaces | MM512/MM842 | Michele Della Morte | 5 |
2019 (Autumn) | Mathematical methods for economics | MM540 | Michele Della Morte | 10 |
2019 (Autumn) | Introduction to Mathematical Methods | MM537 | Lene Favrholdt | 5 |
2019 (Spring) | Applications of mathematics in life sciences | BMB539 | Jonathan R. Brewer | 5 |
2018 (Autumn) | Linear Algebra | MM505 | Christian Kudahl | 5 |
2018 (Spring) | Mathematical and Numerical Analysis | MM533 | Ralf Zimmermann | 10 |
2017 (Autumn) | Linear Algebra | MM505 | Wojciech Szymanski | 5 |
Between February 2020 and December 2021, I hosted the homework cafe "Matematikcafeen" at IMADA, approximately once per week. "Matematikcafeen" is an open cafe where students following courses at IMADA can come to discuss any problems they might find difficult with a more experienced student.
I have also facilitated various workshops and seminars on topics such as Cryptology, LaTeX and Emacs.
Finally, from August 2017 to July 2018, I was involved in organising the UNF Matematikcamp 2018, a week-long event for Danish High School students with an interest in mathematics. Together with a fellow university student, I organised an introductory course in Linear Algebra. This involved writing material for the course, and planning and hosting both lectures and exercise sessions.
7. Outreach
- Hvordan kan vi håndtere snydeartikler på sociale medier?
- Opinion piece in Avisen Danmark.
Johanna Eggers, Simon Erfurth, David Hopmann, Joan Boyar, Kim Skak Larsen, Claes de Vreese - Forskningens døgn 2024 (20/04 2024)
- Workshop: "Prøv kræfter med kryptologi"
- UNF Odense (22/11 2022)
- Foredrag "Kryptologi, quantum, og zero-knowledge proofs: Spionfilm eller Matematik?" [ annoncering, slides ]
- Forskningens døgn 2022 (23/04 2022)
- Workshop: "Prøv kræfter med kryptologi"
8. Volunteer Work and Interest
- March 2024–March 2025 Revisorsuppleant, Odense Roklub.
- July 2021–January 2023; January 2024-- Assistant Coach, Odense University Rowing, Odense Roklub.
- August 2021–March 2022 Revisorsuppleant, Odense Roklub.
- September 2019–June 2021 Student representative in the IMADA working environment committee (Elected).
- April 2020–Marts 2021 Member of IMADA Fagråds bestyrelse (Elected).
- September 2017–September 2019 Member of the board, J. B. Winsløwkollegiet (Elected).
- August 2017–July 2018 Teacher, UNF Matematikcamp 2018, UNF.
I taught and wrote material for a course on Linear Algebra, aimed at High School students. - 2007–2012 (Assistant) Scoutmaster, Rasmus Rask gruppen, Det Danske Spejderkorps.
Over the years I have been a scoutmaster for various age groups, ranging from 6–8 year olds to 10–13 year olds.
8.1. Rowing
With Odense University Rowing, I have participated in multiple regattas, both indoors and outdoors. My proudest achievements include wining the 2022 Danish national championships for University 8+'s and winning the 2022 Danish national championships in indoor-rowing in the university category. Below is a list of regattas/placements, mostly for my own personal reference.
- January 2025 Danske Mesterskaber Indoor/Ergometer
- 2nd place, University 1000m (erg)
- 15th place, 200m sprint (erg)
- 2nd place, 4x500m University Relay (erg)
- September 2024 Danske Mesterskaber
- 4th place, 1000m Motion 8+
- January 2024 Danske Mesterskaber Indoor/Ergometer
- 4th place, University 1000m (erg)
- 5th place, 4x500m University Relay (erg)
- October 2023 Copenhagen Harbour Race
- 1st place, 6500m University 8+
- At Copenhagen Harbour Race, Odense University Rowing was also awarded the Danish University Cup for the 2023 season.
- September 2023 Danske Mesterskaber
- 3rd place, 1000m University 8+
- August 2023 Holstebro Regatta
- 1st place, 1000m University 8+
- December 2022 Euro Slide Open
- October 2022 Copenhagen Harbour Race
- 2nd place, 6500m University 8+
- At Copenhagen Harbour Race, Odense University Rowing was also awarded the Danish University Cup for the 2022 season.
- October 2022 Danske Mesterskaber
- 1st place in 1000m University 8+ (Dansk Universitetsmesterskab)
- Odense University Rowing also won the Asbjørn Torps Mindepokal for participating with the most boats in the University championships.
- August 2022 Holstebro Regatta
- 1st place, 1000m University 8+ (Saturday and Sunday)
- 3rd place, 1000m M4-/4x (Saturday and Sunday)
- June 2022 DM-ugen, Aalborg
- 1st place, 1100m University 8+
- April/May 2022 Odense Langdistance
- 1st place, 6000m University 8+ (Saturday and Sunday)
- March 2022 Åbne Fynske Mesterskaber Indoor/Ergometer
- 1st place, University 2000m (erg)
- 3rd place, 4-Stafet 2000m (erg)
- February 2022 Danske Mesterskaber Indoor/Ergometer
- 1st place, University 2000m (erg) (Dansk Universitetsmesterskab)
- 3rd place, University 4-Stafet 2000m (erg)
- October 2021 Universitetsregatta Odense
- 3rd place, 6000m University 8+
- August 2021 Holstebro Regatta
- 2nd place, 1000m M4-/4x
- 5th place, 1000m W/M8+
- March 2019 Åbne Fynske Mesterskaber
- 4th place, 200m sprint (erg)
- 10th place, 4-Stafet 2000m (erg)
9. Work Experience
When | What | Where |
Jan. 2022-- | PhD Fellow | IMADA/DDC, SDU |
Aug. 2015-- | Reserve Disability Helper | Odense Kommune |
Aug. 2021–Dec. 2021 | Scientific Assistant | IMADA, SDU |
Sep. 2017–Jun. 2021 | Teaching Assistant | IMADA, SDU |
Jul. 2016–Apr. 2017 | Assistant Manager | Fakta, Bolbro |
Aug. 2014–Jun. 2016 | Assistant Manager | Fakta, Bellinge |
Aug. 2013–Jun. 2014 | Cashier | Fakta, Bellinge |