clear all; clc; % To test an image, set testimg and choose target quality factors as the 2nd % argument to the calls to main. Third argument is the value in the quantization % tables for the 2011 approach. testimg = "monke.BMP"; main(testimg,25,64) main(testimg,50,32) main(testimg,80,16) function table = main(img,qf,fixedfactor) %%% Standard quantization tables Q = 50 % std_quantizaton_luminace = [16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61; 12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55; 14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56; 14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62; 18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77; 24, 35, 55, 64, 81, 104, 113, 92; 49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101; 72, 92, 95, 98, 112, 100, 103, 99]; std_quantizaton_chrominance = [16, 18, 24, 47, 99, 99, 99, 99; 18, 21, 26, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99; 24, 26, 56, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99; 47, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99; 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99; 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99; 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99; 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99]; %%% Code for generating quantization tables for other quality factors % Follows approach from cjpeg (see jcparam.c) Quality_Factor = qf; if (Quality_Factor < 50) S = 5000/Quality_Factor; else S = 200 - 2*Quality_Factor; end quantization_luminance = floor((S*std_quantizaton_luminace + 50)/100); quantization_luminance(quantization_luminance == 0) = 1; quantization_chrominance = floor((S*std_quantizaton_chrominance + 50)/100); quantization_chrominance(quantization_chrominance == 0) = 1; %%% Classic tables classic_quantization_table_string = generate_quantization_table_string("# Standard quantification tables\n", quantization_luminance, quantization_chrominance); fid = fopen('classic_tables.txt', 'wt'); fprintf(fid, classic_quantization_table_string); fclose(fid); system(sprintf("cjpeg -optimize -baseline -qtables classic_tables.txt -qslots 0,1,1 -sample 2x1 -outfile %s__classic__.jpg %s", img, img)); %%% Our tables (only powers of two) % Find quantization table giving size closest to classic version out_quantization_table_string_match_size = closest_in_size(img, quantization_luminance, quantization_chrominance); fid = fopen('our_tables_size.txt', 'wt'); fprintf(fid, out_quantization_table_string_match_size); fclose(fid); system(sprintf("cjpeg -optimize -baseline -qtables our_tables_size.txt -qslots 0,1,1 -sample 2x1 -outfile %s__our_size__.jpg %s", img, img)); %%% "Bad" '11 tables % Note that there are so few options here that it doesn't make sense to automate testing. Very quickly one can find the two closest bad11_quantization_luminance = ones(8).*fixedfactor; bad11_quantization_chrominance = ones(8).*fixedfactor; bad11_quantization_table_string = generate_quantization_table_string("# Custom quantification tables using single power of two\n", bad11_quantization_luminance, bad11_quantization_chrominance); fid = fopen('11_tables.txt', 'wt'); fprintf(fid, bad11_quantization_table_string); fclose(fid); system(sprintf("cjpeg -optimize -baseline -qtables 11_tables.txt -qslots 0,1,1 -sample 2x1 -outfile %s__11__.jpg %s", img, img)); %%% Analysis I_full = imread(img); I_compressed_classic = imread(sprintf("%s__classic__.jpg", img)); I_compressed_our = imread(sprintf("%s__our_size__.jpg", img)); I_compressed_11 = imread(sprintf("%s__11__.jpg", img)); % Mean Squared Error mse_results = [NaN, NaN, NaN]; mse_results(1) = immse(I_full,I_compressed_classic); mse_results(2) = immse(I_full,I_compressed_our); mse_results(3) = immse(I_full,I_compressed_11); % peak noise to signal rate psnr_results = [NaN, NaN, NaN]; psnr_results(1) = psnr(I_compressed_classic,I_full); psnr_results(2) = psnr(I_compressed_our,I_full); psnr_results(3) = psnr(I_compressed_11,I_full); % multiscale structural similarity msss_results = [NaN, NaN, NaN]; msss_results(1) = mean(multissim(I_compressed_classic,I_full)); msss_results(2) = mean(multissim(I_compressed_our,I_full)); msss_results(3) = mean(multissim(I_compressed_11,I_full)); % Feature Similarity % Uses the FSIM library % % fsim_results = [NaN, NaN, NaN]; [~,fsimc] = FSIM(I_full,I_compressed_classic); fsim_results(1) = fsimc; [~,fsimz] = FSIM(I_full,I_compressed_our); fsim_results(2) = fsimc; [~,fsimc] = FSIM(I_full,I_compressed_11); fsim_results(3) = fsimc; % size size_classic = dir(sprintf("%s__classic__.jpg", img)).bytes; size_our = dir(sprintf("%s__our_size__.jpg", img)).bytes; size_11 = dir(sprintf("%s__11__.jpg", img)).bytes; % Pretty print - made to be formatted by emacs' orgmode table = sprintf("| QF = %i | Size | MS-SSIM | FSIMc | MSE | PSNR | \n |- | | | | | |\n | Unmodified | %i | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f |\n| cite{DBLP:conf/fc/JohnsonWL11} (%i) | %i | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f | \n | Our compression | %i | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f |",qf,size_classic,msss_results(1), fsim_results(1), mse_results(1), psnr_results(1),fixedfactor,size_11,msss_results(3), fsim_results(3), mse_results(3), psnr_results(3),size_our,msss_results(2), fsim_results(2), mse_results(2), psnr_results(2)); end % Round x to a near power of two (up or down), p specifying where to make the cut function y = to_power2(x, p) threshold = (1+p)*2^(floor(log2(x))); if x < threshold y = 2^(floor(log2(x))); else y = 2^(ceil(log2(x))); end end % Convert M to a string of the format cjpeg understands function tmp = table_to_string(M) tmp = ''; for i = 1:8 for j = 1:8 tmp = sprintf("%s%s ", tmp, num2str(M(i,j))); end tmp = strcat(tmp, '\n'); end end % Generate quantization table string for inputted tables function tmp = generate_quantization_table_string(name, luminance_table, chrominance_table) standard_comment_string = sprintf('# Created by Simon Erfurth\n# %s\n# Example use:\n# cjpeg -optimize -baseline -qtables this_file.txt -qslots 0,1,1 -sample 2x1 -outfile out.jpg in.bmp\n',datetime("today")); quantization_luminance_string = sprintf("# Luma\n%s",table_to_string(luminance_table)); quantization_chrominance_string = sprintf("# Chroma\n%s", table_to_string(chrominance_table)); tmp = sprintf("%s%s%s%s", name, standard_comment_string, quantization_luminance_string, quantization_chrominance_string); end % Functions to find quantization table giving size closest to classic version function table_string = closest_in_size(img, quantization_luminance, quantization_chrominance) target_size = dir(sprintf("%s__classic__.jpg", img)).bytes; p_max = 1; q_lum_max = generate_quantization_table(quantization_luminance,p_max); q_chr_max = generate_quantization_table(quantization_chrominance,p_max); p_min = 0; q_lum_min = generate_quantization_table(quantization_luminance,p_min); q_chr_min = generate_quantization_table(quantization_chrominance,p_min); % And handle special case where the following loop doesn't execute at all (e.g. if Q = 100) q_lum_new = q_lum_max; q_chr_new = q_chr_max; while (any(any(q_lum_min ~= q_lum_max)) || any(any(q_chr_min ~= q_chr_max))) && (p_max - p_min) > 0.000001 p = (p_max + p_min)/2; q_lum_new = generate_quantization_table(quantization_luminance,p); q_chr_new = generate_quantization_table(quantization_chrominance,p); img_file_name = create_image(q_lum_new,q_chr_new,img); current_size = dir(img_file_name).bytes; if current_size > target_size p_max = p; q_lum_max = q_lum_new; q_chr_max = q_chr_new; else p_min = p; q_lum_min = q_lum_new; q_chr_min = q_chr_new; end end table_string = generate_quantization_table_string("# Custom quantification tables using powers of two\n # Optimized to give same size as standard variant\n", q_lum_new, q_chr_new); end function new_table = generate_quantization_table(start_table,p) new_table = ones(8); for i = 1:8 for j = 1:8 new_table(i,j) = to_power2(start_table(i,j),p); end end end function out_file_name = create_image(quantization_luminance, quantization_chrominance, img_file_name) tmp_quantization_table_string = generate_quantization_table_string("# Temporary quantification tables\n", quantization_luminance, quantization_chrominance); fid = fopen('tmp_tables.txt', 'wt'); fprintf(fid, tmp_quantization_table_string); fclose(fid); system(sprintf("cjpeg -optimize -baseline -qtables tmp_tables.txt -qslots 0,1,1 -sample 2x1 -outfile %s__tmp__.jpg %s", img_file_name, img_file_name)); out_file_name = sprintf("%s__tmp__.jpg", img_file_name); end